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Running the Treadmill While Holding a Shirley Temple

Every few months, I decide that my life would be completely different if I were ten pounds lighter. I’d be one of those stiletto-wearing, Paul Mitchell salon girls. You know, the ones who hail taxis as if they were posing for a photo shoot? Ten pounds lighter, and I’d be that girl! So, every few months, I spend hours on the Internet, searching for quick fixes to my poundage problem. I don’t believe in rationing my daily portions or regular visits to the gym. Reasonable weight-loss tactics hurt my brain. I just want a Pow! from Batman, a Wham! from Robin- thinner thighs and longer legs. A recent search led me to the Manhattan Plaza Health Club. Health clubs are to gyms what Shirley Temples are to vodka tonics. You go there for a treadmill workout, but get distracted by the massage room and jacuzzi....

photo cred: Michelle James

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