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Let's Go Warriors! (How To Spot Excellence)

In a few hours, I will be watching Game 7 of the NBA Western Conference Finals! To say I'm excited is an understatement. But, I'm not alone. This morning, sports commentator Stephen A. Smith practically salivate at the prospect of this game. People are sharing their bubbling anticipation on every social media site. And, every sports channel seems to be devoting big chunks of their shows to it.

Is it because of Steph Curry & the Warriors talent? Yes. Is it because basketball is a beloved sport? Sure. Is it because its Memorial's Day, so America is off & in a mood to be thrilled by a game? Of course!

But, more than anything else, it's because, at this level of sport, we get to spot excellence!

Inside of all of us is this thing: an innate, God-made chunk of excellence. Most of us can feel it. Some of us spend time defining it, honing it, chasing it. Whatever we need to do to respond to it.

When we watch the NBA players being awesome on the court; exercising their potential at such high level, that excellent chunk in us responds. When we watch other's excelling, we believe in our own natural excellence. When we see people who must have devoted time to hone their skills to perform like NBA players do, we're reminded of the excellent things we can do.

I'm SO ready to watch excellence tonight, then think up more ways to activate my chunk of excellence!


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